Sunday, 30 January 2011

Production Log; Week One.

This week we looked at previous work from the year above who had a simliar brief to us, but had to make a film which was of the genre thriller. From the two candidates we looked at you can certainley see the difference in effort, content, knowledge and research, determining thier grades. Looking at the mark scheme and grade boundaries you can see there is very little in marks that gives you your grade. These are only small differences like, the use of minimal research and basic research that takes you from a level two to a level three in your planning and research. a level 3 to a level 4, with just the difference of proficent creativity and excellent creativity means that the extra little bits are key.

Candidate one who got the lower grade out of the two and in his research and planning, the videos he has produced he does not look top sure. To me it seems as if he doesnt actually know what he is talking about, but is jsut reading off a piece of paper what he has wrote; this does not show a good understanding and he also only uses basic research into his film and audience.
Week 3

Candidate two, however is very clear and confident in his videos. He clearly states what he is going to and overcomes the problems that he faces. He seems to be very sure of what he is doing and also very in control of everything. He uses a good vocabulary and is very enthusiastic in his work. This gives a positive view of him and his grade will go up as he seems to of put all his effort in to it.

In their production and construction Candidate ones film was good in terms of sticking to the genre it did keep you in suspense and left you wanting to see more but there where little technical faults that made it no excellent, like when the music in his sequence interferes with the diagetic sound in the film and makes it hard to hear and confusing. This will mean he drops a grade due to silly and easliy corrected mistakes.

Candidate Twos production and construction. Firstly looks very much how a film would start, with its production company appearing first and then going into the film. The film itself shows very good use of camera shots and editng. Also showing a very good and well thought through storyline. He uses the building of tetion very, very well and creates alot of suspense for the audience, carrying out a thrillers true job.

The evaluation stage, in Candidate ones case,once again he just shows a basic understanding of what he has done and not very in depth.

Candidate twos evaluation is alot more detailed and he also includes improvments that could of been made showing he has a better un dertsandoing of what he has doen as he is able to asses it. This would probably get a level 4 as it is an excellent understanding of the issues.

This gives me an idea of the type of commitment and hard work i have to put into my work to get a high grade. The use of excelent terminolgy, research, planning and creativity is what will get me my high grade. If i follow more in the footsteps of candidate two, rather than candidate one i should be succesful in my work. In terms of my actual production i must stick to my brief and make sure evey little detail is planned and looked at porperly and thuroughly checked over before i can say i am finished.

I will avoid distractions that will limit me to the amount of time and effort i put into my work and will make sure i do not jsut the basic research, planning and creativity into my work.

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