Thursday, 10 March 2011

production log week 6

Pre Production - Feedback on Animatics

We got feedback on our anamatic video, feedback we got in terms of strengths was that the use of violence, resulting to disability is a great image to the British social realism. They also said that the ending, was not positive which is an excellent connection to British Social Realism. 

The weaknesses that we received was that the pictures need to be more detailed, i disagree with what was stated saying that the picture wasn't detailed enough the pictures were fine and it had enough detail to understand what was going on. They also said that we need to add graphics eg. that we need to add editor and director.
We also got feedback saying that the story was "shown very clearly and they understood what was going . They also knew that it relates to British Social Realism due to the violence shown.  

They also I liked the idea of a flash back because they got more of an idea what is going on. 
Weakness they said was that the music doesn't relate to what is happening and that it should be more dark and gritty then what it is. I disagree that the music doesn't relate to the production because the music matches how the mood is at the start and when Ellie gets beaten up the music changes into a more violent sound. 

Pre Production - Production schedule

production schedule ellie and sam

Pre Production - Analysis feedback for treatment

We got are feedback on our our treatment, the first thing we got feedback on was our Audience section, the thought that that me addressing London was too a narrow audience. They also said that we needed to state other pieces of media our audience would enjoy, and build more a profile for themTry to build more of a profile of them.

We got feedback on our Narrative and they said that it was clear yet the summary of the story was not well written i will have to back to this and check my grammar. They also said that we needed to include the name of our main character. They also said that are idea is orignal and it is more uplifting than a previous british social realism films.They also said that we needed more detail in the typography

We got feedback on our title, they said that they like the title but they thought that the theme of aspiration was not well explained, I like the title although your explanation about aspiration is not well explained. They also said that the title might put the audience of because it might convey that the film is miserable.

We aslso got feedback saying that we needed to give more explanation on the main character, by stating her name age and her background. We  got feedback on the conventions saying it lacked detail. They said that Editing was clearly explained.They said that the instition was rushed and it needed more detail and state the instistuation.

Pre Production - Daily Filming Sheet


Sunday, 6 March 2011

Pre Production - Shooting Script

Ellie and Sams Shooting Script Finished

Pre Production -

Narrative Structure

A young teenage girl called Ellie - Good at sports and had a future ahead of her.          

Agents of Change
Antagonists   Group Of Girls Called, Sarah, Jossie, Sophie and Amy- They beat her up 

Conflict Complication The result of the protagonists and antagonists colliding 
She gets beaten up and becomes disabled 

Main Story line 
Elaboration She becomes disabled and her sporting career is ruined, she struggles to gain a job after school and faces a lot of prejudice, she finds a way to escape the world, she joins a sports club and she learns how to play wheelchair basketball.

Climax and resolution Gets into a county wheelchair basketball tournament, there get to the final and this shows her accomplishment.   

Coda  She wins the tournament and she gets self approval from the people around her.        

Friday, 4 March 2011

Production Log Week 5

Pre Production - Case Study

British Social Realism – Institution, Audience and

Pre Production - Treatment



The film is based around a young white girl as we folow her life after an accident that leave her less abel than she was before. She is our protagonist in the film, along with her best friend who we are also introduced to in the opening sequence. The antagonist of the film is the ring elader of a bunch of girls who leaves our main character in a heart beraking position, as she and her friends jump the main character after school one day because of jealousy. This is going against the stereotypical view of young white girls as they are not seen to be violent and abusive, that is more of a boy stereotype.
Sticking to the conventions of a British Social Realist film, my film will be based on a you, white female, from a working class background. It wills how all the hardships of working class life, and not the ' rose tinted glasses' effect that you would see in a Hollywood film, as Bristish Social REalist films aim to show the true realities of life and not a big fairytale. A hybrid element of my British social realism genre would be the gangster violence theme but with a twist as it would be girl gangs instead of typical boy gangs.

Style and Iconography
The camera work will be very natural and doncumentory like, like in Fish Tank. Also i will not use lots of fancy effects as that is not the style of a British Social Realist film, my only possibly editing effect will be fading to and form black, this will help in the verisimilitude of my film. Ensuring that the audience feel part of the film and dont just see it as a film they are watching in the cinema as i want my audience to be able to relate to the characters and ther lifestyle.

Due to my institution being a small, independant, british company my budget to spend on the film will only be little. I wont have lots of money to spend on huge marketing techniques and create lots of pretty posters, my main marketing strategiy will be Viral Marketing and Word Of Mouth.
Alos my film will probably not be released in ibg, mainstream cinemas and will mostly stick to home exhibition, ie DVD's and website veiwings.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Production Log Week 4

This week we focused on the planning of our film and our audience. We decided we would aim it at an age group between 15 and 50 because this audience will be able to relate the themes and the struggle that the characters will go through. It will be mainly aimed at young girls as the main character of the film is a young girl and so the audience can relate to her and her lifestyle. Our target audience will be for those people that are in a working class or under class background as they will understand the problems that my characters go through, the area most relatable to would be London, Essex as that is most common for working and under class, and they will also be able to relate and maybe recognise the use of locations and maybe landmarks in the film.
Also due to the lack of funding for a British social realist film, more than one company would have to be involved in the making, distribution and exhibition of my film. This would increase the budget i had for my film but explains why these films do not do as well as they are mainly made by independent film companies. Also, i learnt that using rel life locations and the use of little editing effects will create more audience involvement and make it easier for the audience to believe the story and put them selves in it, in comparison to Hollywood films that would have a lot of unrealistic uses, which makes them big and fancy and less social realist.
All that i have learnt this week will help in the making of my film.

Pre Production - Draft Treatment

Target Audience

Target Audience :
-Age 16-50
-Disabled people
-Working Class
-Chadwell Heath residents

Are target audience, will revolve around British audience. Mainly aged between 16 - 50 because the age group can relate to the problems conveyed in the film, and mainly female due to a female being the main character and girls could relate to her we can tell this after looking at the exit polls for Fish Tank which revolves around a female, most of the people they surveyed were females. This could also appeal to audience that have a disability and the struggle to over come the prejudice within society. Our target audience could also be from the area eg. London, due to the audience relating back to the landmarks and locations in the film. Are target audience are also people that watch social realistic films due to them liking the genre. Are target audience can also evolve around working class people due to our production based around working class life, so the audience can relate to it.

Are film is about a struggle to regain her life back after being very sporty and having her future ahead of her, due to her having her back broken by jealous thugs, the film is how she try’s to fit in with society and face the problems and prejudice that comes with being disabled.
The start of our opening sequence, is the main character with her friends coming out of school. We then see her playing football, then it cuts back to present day of her being in a bed sit and a wheelchair next to her, it then cuts back to her playing football and we see a group of girls approach her, we then cut to credits and in the background noise we hear screaming. The rest of the opening scene we see her getting dressed, (starting her normal day) and the credits role.
The conventions that we will be based around will be aspiration were the main character wants to achieve something in her life despite having a disability.

We will use technology to make are production realistic by filming in hd, we do this by using a hd video recorder, this will the production have more clarity and make for a more enjoyable film. We will also use a tripod so when we film we can get suitable heights so the audience can relate to the characters views.
We will also use a editing applications to edit the production of our film, we will also be using the music application so we can make are own music so we can avoid copyright.

The name of our production is still being decided but i am thinking about having “Struggle” has the title of the film. This connotes the theme of the film due to the main character having to struggle with her disability.
The title relates the the conventions of a British social realism film, because struggle connotes the convention of aspiration. This title will appeal to the audience due to them being enticed because they will wont to know what the struggle is about and how the main character will over come the problems they face.

The main character of our film is a young white girl, we think this would be a good main character like in fish tank, I think this works well as it is quite unusual to be following a young girl in her life.  She will be who the film is mostly focused on and will also be the protagonist of our storyline. We are also introduced to our main characters best friend as they come out of school together during the first few minutes of the film, she is also a good character. Also during the opening sequence the audience will have a quick meeting with the antagonist of the film when she has the fight with our main character, which sets up our story. This character is also white and female. At the beginning of my film there are no obvious Propp character types but after the accident that occurs our main character, could be seen as pitiable as pathetic and is also used for atmosphere. The characters in my film may challenge the typical stereotype of a young, white girl as being calm, quite a good girl because in my film they have attitude and the protagonist beats up my antagonist, putting her in hospital, defeating the good girl stereotype.

My film will slightly conform to the British social realism genre. Firstly, by having a young white female as my main character, like in fish tank, goes against the grain as it is quite unusual. Also the situation, young, white girls fighting and putting people in hospital is conforming to the British social realism genre as it shows the real life of working class, instead of looking at them through ‘rose tinted glasses’. In the opening scene we see two of the protagonists leaving a school, which e assume them to be a part of as there are wearing the uniform, this shows them to be working class and be at a public school, which is typical of a British social realism to focus on working and under class rather than middle class. A hybrid element of my British social realism genre would be the gangster violence theme but with a twist as it would be girl gangs instead of typical boy gangs.

Style and Iconography
My camera work will create an effect on the audience as i aim to do it as a documentary, following my main characters life and the struggles she goes through to try and achieve her dream after being knocked back, and more importantly finding her attacker. They used this technique in fish tank, following around Mia, which I think worked really well and was quite affective in the feeling it gave the audience towards her. Due to my film be a British social realism film, i will use little editing as this is one of the conventions. Editing I use may only be little like fading in and out of black and also the use of graphics ie, titles and typography. This will effect the audience as they will feel more involved in the film as there is no make believe editing that attracts away from the story and makes you feel like you are watching the film and not a part of it. The costumes in my film will be very simple and nothing fancy, this is to add emphasis on the genre of the film and the people and area that it is filmed in. British social realist films focus on the working class so I will sue simple costumes and props, so that it does not look like a Hollywood film with big fancy costumes and props. In terms of sound and music, the audience will only here diagetic sound and music, and also possibly a theme tune, but that will be all. This will add to the emphasis on it being real life and so that the audience can connect to the characters in the film without being distracted.

The production company, being a British, independent film company, limits my film making. It will affect the amount of money i can spend on my film, the cast of the film and also my filming locations. This is because the company itself does not have a lot money to give me to fund my film. This could affect the distribution of my film as i will not have a lot of money to be sending my film around to a lot of cinemas as i do not want to risk loosing money by it not being viewed due to its content, as it only appeals to a niche audience. Therefore it will be best to just distribute it for home exhibition, ie dvd’s and internet. Also i will not have the funds to advertise my film properly and create as much audience awareness as i need for my film to do well in a cinema, meaning that it will be more successful in home exhibition. My film will most likely have home exhibition. It will be home release and viewed on DVD, or can also be viewed using New Media Technology on a laptop, iPod or phone using the internet or downloading it from a website. It will not be seen in a cinema as cinemas are for a main stream audience and British social realism films appeal to a niche audience because of the content and the themes and issues they deal with within their films.